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Clone your collection

Learn how you can make an exact copy of your collection while you customize it for multiple prospects and for internal collaboration.

Vinoth avatar
Written by Vinoth
Updated over 2 months ago

Ever felt the need to collaborate a collection and yet, work on it as your prospects are looking at it. At Paperflite, we have thought about it too. :)

We call it 'clone' your collection.

Here you go with a short video that tells you how to clone your collection.

For those of you looking for a detailed guide, here's how you do it:

Step 1

Log in to your Paperflite account and head over to your collections.

Step 2

Click on a collection that you'd like to clone.

Step 3

Give your cloned collection a new name. The cloned collection is now ready for use.

Step 4

Make changes to your cloned collection as you'd prefer such as name of the collection, its brief description, etc. Your content assets still remain the same unless you'd like to add/delete any assets. Any changes that you make to the clone collection will not impact the original collection.

Still have queries? Reach us at with questions that you may have and we'd be happy to help you.

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